Picking up my Orkron Monolith again

 Hi everyone, first post!

I wanted a space to post progress on my ongoing konversion project: looted 40k Necrons. Have not had a blog before, and thought I'd give it a try. I will post background and storyline a little later - for now I hope people enjoy!

The baneblade treads are actually screwed on with actual metal screws - I tried a few different methods and this way worked the best. I'll need to cover the gaps later:

I started this project 2 years ago but wasn't sure if I liked how it was turning out. The plastic was warped on the Monolith and I couldn't get the high walls of the treads to line up under the Monolith. I ended up turning them backwards so that the body could fit on top of the tank treads ( which is why the outer treads have no decor)

Added a center magnet in case I want to swap out decorations and weapons into the front:

(Genestealer drill is magnetized)

Been some time since I found Gorkanaut bits on eBay, but I bought a few before they stopped selling them. I needed to cut away some of the Monolith wall due to warping but still wanted the large Orky glyphs on all 4 sides. Compensating but adding the Squigbuggy hillbilly Ork's legs sticking out

I considered adding cannons on the sides - originally this would have been covered by enemy weapons similar to the Iron Throne. Maybe if I can convert them


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